Jeremy Beaudry
Experience Design Strategist, University of Vermont Medical Center

Jeremy Beaudry

Jeremy Beaudry is an experience design strategist at The University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington. Previously, he was a professor of design and director of the Design for Social Impact masters program at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. His research and design practice focus on creating collaborative tools and methods with organizations, communities and leaders in the service of systems-wide change and innovation efforts, especially in the context of healthcare. He has written, publicly presented, and led workshops on the power of participatory design to change organizations and systems from the inside out. After helping a close family member navigate the complexity of healthcare during a serious illness, he was drawn into that world as a place to use his experience and skills as a designer to help healthcare become more humane.

Session Schedule
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1:00 PM
Kathryn McCurdy
Jeremy Beaudry
Be Like Water: Strategies for Infusing Design in Healthcare Organizations
Katie McCurdy, UX Designer & Research Consultant, University of Vermont Medical Center
Jeremy Beaudry, Experience Design Strategist, University of Vermont Medical Center