Chelsea Mauldin is a social scientist and strategic designer with a focus on public-sector innovation. As executive director of the Public Policy Lab, Chelsea works with public agencies to identify service-design challenges, then leads teams that translate complex policy considerations into pragmatic, replicable solutions through research, prototyping, piloting, and evaluation.
Prior to the launch of the Public Policy Lab, Chelsea led design and economic-revitalization initiatives as director of a community development organization, the Montague Street BID. Previously, as deputy director of the Design Trust for Public Space, she oversaw strategic design-policy projects with New York City public agencies. She received her MSc in city design and social science from the London School of Economics and her BA in social science and English from the University of California at Berkeley.
Chelsea maintains a consulting practice, Mauldin Content, offering strategic planning and communications assistance to organizations working on public-interest issues. Past projects with government agencies include the redesign of the primary quarterly communication to 36 million-plus Medicare beneficiaries for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
- Feb 6